Volunteer Opportunities


Due to the ongoing and ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic, our priority is to ensure the safety of our, clients, staff, and volunteers. So until further notice all in-person volunteer activities are currently suspended until further notice. On behalf of our clients and staff, although we are disappointed, we look forward to rescheduling projects just as soon as we safely can.

We thank you for your understanding during this time and for your tremendous support. Please contact Christle Baker-Gill, Community Outreach Coordinator at cbaker-gill@voaches.org.

Why Volunteer?

You want to make a difference in your community. You want to give back. You have time or talents to share.

Whatever your reason, Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas is excited. Because you can make a difference – not just in your community – but in the lives of thousands of people our organization serves each year. Whether an hour a week, or strictly a one-time-event, we applaud you for wanting to give back and sharing your time and talents.

Here some suggestions on how to get involved. Of course, we always welcome your ideas for new volunteer opportunities!

Work with our Clients:

  • Bring your group to play bingo with our senior clients
  • Help a client improve or learn how to read
  • Tutor our children
  • Assist an adult with his or her resume and job interviewing skills

Work "Behind the Scenes":

  • Organize an umbrella drive, snack drive, winter coat drive or toiletry drive to benefit one of our programs.
  • Host a Day of Service at our center for your school, religious group or community organization.
  • Sort donations and organize our clothing closets
  • Plan special events like holiday activities, silent or live auctions, open houses, BBQ's and more

Help Sustain our Centers:

  • Paint and decorate
  • Maintain landscaping
  • Create murals or inspirational art
  • Revitalize and renovate our homes and buildings

Holiday Season Help:

  • Donate food to our holiday meals
  • Help set up, clean up and serve
  • Sing holiday carols, make Valentine's Day cards, decorate
  • Assist with gift wrapping

Click below to download the Volunteer Application Package and Background Check Form (some positions, such as working with clients or children, require background checks.)

Volunteer Application Package

To submit your volunteer application, questions, or comments contact us!
Phone: (301) 459-2020