Give Hope!

Men, women & children are depending on you.


Your donation gives hope.

You can help build a better future and create a thriving, vibrant community by making a donation to Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas and helping the children, families, veterans, and individuals we serve across our affiliate.

Programs that need your support in 2023

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    Give Health to All

    Brandi had lost all hope before she found the VOA Hope Center. A single mother, victim of domestic violence, cancer survivor and recovering addict, Brandi couldn’t afford the treatment she needed to heal. Her 14-year-old son, Marcus, also needed support with autism. Thanks to support from donors like you, Brandi has remained sober and Marcus loves working with his counselor. By giving to the VOA Hope Center, you can help a man, woman or child in Maryland and D.C. get the care they need free of charge.

    Give Health to All
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    Give Hope & Homes to Women

    Gregory had been homeless for four years and struggled with addiction before he found Hope Has A Home™. In D.C., this program gives homeless men who are too sick to be on the streets a safe place to rest, the care they need, and help moving into homes of their own. Thanks to giving hearts like yours, Gregory has his own apartment and the support he needs to stay sober. In 2023, we are expanding Hope Has A Home™ to support D.C.’s homeless women. You can help create this new safe haven for vulnerable women by giving to Hope Has A Home™.

    Give Hope to Women
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    Give to Veterans

    Will became a police officer to serve his local community after retiring from 11 years of military service. After sustaining a severe back injury in the line of duty, Will could no longer work and was in need of help. In North Carolina, supporters like you make it possible for our Maple Court Veterans Transitional Housing Program to provide the housing and care our injured and homeless heroes need. Today, Will can retire with the dignity he deserves. You can support our nation’s dedicated service men and women by donating to Maple Court.

    Give to Veterans
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    Help Youth Escape Poverty

    Yavin didn’t know what to do after graduating from high school. Growing up with limited resources, school had been a challenge. Now a father at the age of 19, Yavin needed a way to support his baby girl Anaaise. That’s when Yavin found Newport News YouthBuild. Thanks to advocates for youth empowerment like you, Yavin was trained and certified in electrical systems and HVAC. Today, he works for a large contractor with full benefits and a great salary. You can help at-risk youth get the training, certifications and support they need to jump into exciting careers and escape poverty.

    Give to Youth

Other Ways to Give

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    Donate Online

    Support us through one-time or recurring gift, or make a tribute gift in the name of a loved one by donating online.

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    Join the Giving Hope Society

    Joining the Giving Hope Society is a commitment to help men, women, and families rebuild their lives. For just $84 per month, for 5 years, a total $5,000 commitment, you can be a part of that transformation.

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    Donate A Vehicle

    Planning to get rid of your car? You can make a difference in the lives of those we serve by donating your vehicle. Pick up is free and easy and you'll receive a tax deduction if you are an itemizing taxpayer.

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    Adopt a Family

    Adopt A Family relies on the generosity of sponsors who commit to adopting a single family or multiple families. Sponsors provide holiday gifts for each child in the family/families, as well as a special holiday meal for the family to enjoy.

    learn more
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    Planned Giving

    Make a legacy gift that can help you manage your personal financial plan and extend your ability to help others for generations. Learn more about ways you can support Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas for years to come by leaving a bequest in your will, acquiring an annuity, or making a gift of appreciated stock, real estate or other assets.

  • Maud_20Squad_20Image_20Hero_320x231-01.jpg

    Join the Maud Squad

    Make a lasting impact on the lives of those most in need by becoming a monthly sustainer through the Maud Squad! As a member of the Maud Squad, you will make a difference all year long and receive a special bi-annual newsletter.

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    Give Through Amazon Smile

    Select Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas as your charity of choice when you shop on Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate 0.5% of all your purchases to us. This does not add any cost to your purchases. To learn more, follow the link below.

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    Donate by Mail / Fax

    You can make your gift of hope by mail or fax as well! Simply download, complete and print the form below, and send to us along with your check or credit card information.

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    Donate In-Kind

    Your tax-deductible donation of in-kind goods can improve the life of a man, woman or child in one of our programs. Help be a light to others in need by donating clothing, food, and hygiene related items today.


Did You Know? 

The Cares Act Encourages Charitable Giving

The federal government’s coronavirus response legislation, known as the CARES Act, includes multiple provisions offering individuals and corporations significant incentives for charitable giving in 2020. View the PDF here. VOACC is designated tax-exempt under section 501(c)3 of the IRS code. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our Tax ID is 52-0610547
