Planned Giving

A Legacy of Compassion

Depending on your individual situation, a legacy gift to Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas can help you manage your personal financial plan and extend your ability to help others for generations.

You can make the world a better place for your children and grandchildren when you continue the good work of Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas by leaving a bequest in your will, acquiring an annuity, or making a gift of appreciated stock, real estate or other assets.

For more information please contact Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas at Nicholle Granger at (301) 955-9472 or

Estate Gifts

Gifts by Will or Living Trust: Include a bequest to Volunteers of America in your will or trust (designate a specific dollar amount, a percentage or a share of the remainder), leaving a legacy without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime.

IRA Distributions

Donors over the age of 70 and 1/2 can make direct rollover contributions to Volunteers of America.

Retirement Plans

Name Volunteers of America as a full or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), life insurance, savings accounts, donor advised funds, or other qualified plan.

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated securities (stocks) are a popular alternative to making a cash gift as they may offer you additional tax advantages. In addition to receiving an income tax deduction for the full market value of the securities, you may also avoid capital gains on the appreciation of your stocks. If your donated securities are used to fund a charitable trust or gift annuity there may be estate and gift tax advantages as well.

To make such a gift, do not sell the stock and donate the proceeds, as this will jeopardize your tax benefits. Instead, notify your broker and contact Nicholle Granger in our Development Office at (301) 955-9472 or

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  1. Donor name
  2. Broker name and contact
  3. Name of stock(s) to be transferred
  4. Number of shares and/or approximate value
  5. Approximate date of transfer

Provide the following information to your broker to complete the transfer:

Account information:

The Northern Trust Company
Trust Department
Participant # 2669

For Stock (Equity):
RE: Volunteers of America - Equity
Account #: 44-81054

For Fixed Income:
RE: Volunteers of America – Fixed Income
Account #: 44-81055

Stock Certificates:

Physical issues should be sent via registered mail to:

The Northern Trust Company
Attn: Trade Securities Processing
801 South Canal, C2N
Chicago, IL 60607

RE: Volunteers of America - Equity
Account #: 44-81054