Corporate Year of Service

Corporate Year of Service Program

At Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas (VOACC), we offer interested corporate and community partners the opportunity to make a lasting impact on our programs and engage their employees in meaningful volunteer work. Through the Corporate Year of Service Program, we work with each business and organization to identify volunteer projects and giving opportunities that satisfy their needs and the interests of their staff.

VOACC greatly appreciates the gift of time that so many businesses offer. And just as with gifts of money, we aim to be good stewards of these precious resources.  

How It Works

Through the program, dedicated partners have the opportunity to identify at least 1 volunteer project and 1 corporate sponsorship opportunity each year. 

Volunteer opportunities are funded by each partner and customizable based on the needs of the organization. These opportunities may include but are not limited to:

  • Beautifying/refurbishing one of our program facilities (e.g., gardening, painting, refurnishing, clean up, etc.)
  • Organizing a Holiday drive or clothing drive
  • Providing additional support to the low-income individuals and families we serve (e.g., financial literacy training, job skills training, tutoring & after-school programming, etc.)

Corporate sponsorship opportunities include but are not limited to:

  • Providing a financial sponsorship to support one of our health & human services programs
  • Providing a financial sponsorship for one of our events/campaigns (e.g., Harvest for Hope, Operation Backpack®, Adopt A Family, etc.)

Please note that participants are responsible for 100% of expenses for service projects unless otherwise discussed with one of our staff members. Organizations can also decide to participate in one of the following annual volunteer opportunities.

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    Bring lasting cheer by providing gifts and holiday meals to families in our care. You can also opt provide cheer for an entire program and its participants.

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    Operation Backpack

    Partner with us to collect backpacks and school supplies that help low-income students prepare for the school year by getting involved with Operation Backpack®!


See How Our Corporate Partner Direct Donor TV transformed our new Child & Family Trauma Center

Direct Donor TV President Janet Tonner and her team came out to transform our new Child & Family Trauma Center into a space our community’s youth will love! Direct Donor TV purchased, delivered and assembled child-friendly furniture, fixtures, storage units and more to help bring the Center to life. The team also brought a brand-new fish tank, games, toys and snacks for our youth who have experienced trauma, mental illness and other behavioral health challenges to enjoy.

The Child & Family Trauma Center is designed to specifically address the health disparities and mental health needs of transition-aged and at-risk youth and their families in Prince George’s County, especially those from BIPOC communities.

How to Apply

If you are interested in learning more about and joining the Corporate Year of Service Program, we invite your organization to complete our online sign-up form by clicking one of the buttons below. This will help our staff understand your preferences. 

If your company or organization is based in
Maryland, DC or Virginia, please select below:

(MD, DC & VA)

If your company or organization is based in
North Carolina, please select below:


After you complete and submit your form, a member of our Development & Communications Team will reach out to you to schedule an introductory meeting. During the meeting, we will learn more about your organization, preferences, and share about potential volunteer and sponsorship opportunities that align with your interests.

VOACC is privileged to have the opportunity to help uplift our area’s most vulnerable individuals and families. That work is made possible by numerous supporters and volunteers who share our vision and commitment to inspire self-reliance, dignity and hope for those in need.


In addition to providing hope to those in need and team-building opportunities for your employees, Corporate Year of Service Program partners will also be recognized and celebrated in our digital newsletter, social media and annual report.

For questions, please contact us at