Your Impact

You help build a stronger, more vibrant community.

The men, women, veterans, and families in our programs all have stories that have brought them to where they are today.

Their stories all have something in common…you.

With your support you have become a part of their stories. You have ensured that the programs and services we provide are innovative, progressive and healing.

With your support, we can open the door to a better life for homeless children, adults and veterans.

Read how you impact lives everyday.

  • Mike Diaz

    Newport News YouthBuild

    Thanks to YouthBuild, Mike landed his dream job and is excited for the future.

  • Francisco Diaz

    Hope Has A Home

    No longer homeless, and recovering from his health issues, Francisco feels blessed.

  • Albert Cundiff

    Newport News YouthBuild

    Through job shadowing, Albert has a plan for his future.

  • Hattie Maye Payne

    VA I/DD Services

    Hattie has thrived since first being introduced to VOACC.

  • Will Monroe

    Veteran Services

    When a back injury prevented Will from working, VOACC was there to help.

  • Dale Harrell

    Residential Re-Entry

    VOACC was there for Dale as he was released from prison.

  • Juan Gonzalez

    Veteran Services

    Homeless and diagnosed with throat cancer, VOACC stepped in to help.

  • Yavin Johnson

    Newport News YouthBuild

    From "at-risk" youth to YouthBuild graduate, Yavin is thriving.

  • Gregory Evans

    Hope Has A Home

    Gregory was severely depressed, but then he found Hope Has A Home.

  • Celso Yanes

    VOA Hope Center

    Celso was undiagnosed until he found the VOA Hope Center.

  • Nakiesha Brockers

    Newport News YouthBuild

    Nakiesha is literally building her dreams thanks to YouthBuild.

  • Kyra Gilliam

    Paca House

    After a short time in a local shelter, Kyra was introduced to Paca House.

  • Gregory Andrews

    DC Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

    Gregory’s improvements can be both measured and seen.

  • Pat Murphy

    Leola Dorsey Resource Center & Residency

    Pat was homeless, but today, he has a place to call home.

  • Rogerica Brown

    Supportive Services for Veteran Families

    Rogerica's life was changed for the better in Durham, NC.

  • Dale Ogborn

    Maple Court Veterans Transitional Housing

    Dale was able to recover from hip surgery and find a home through Maple Court.

  • Mark Olin

    Maple Veterans Transitional Housing Program

    Mark overcame 15 years of homelessness after joining Maple Court.

  • Dawn Martin

    Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program

    Dawn found employment after losing her job during COVID-19.