Become A Sponsor

2023 Operation Backpack® Sponsorships!

Operation Backpack® is made possible by the generosity of philanthropic companies and organizations like yours! By becoming an Operation Backpack® sponsor, you will make a lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children in your area!

Brighter Future Sponsorship: $5,000

Sponsorship funds our year-round Operation Backpack® Academic Enrichment Program that provides afterschool tutoring, healthy snacks, mentorship, college campus tours, and summer camp for youth in need.

  • Recognition as a Title Sponsor of Operation Backpack®, joint media press release, co-branding of events
  • Joint media coverage opportunities
  • Priority logo placement on all campaign materials, website and digital promotions

Rally for Learning Sponsorship: $2,500

Sponsorship funds gift cards for new school uniforms for children and grocery gift cards to support youth nutrition.

  • Recognition as School Uniform Sponsor
  • Sponsor logo placement on campaign materials, website and digital promotions

    School Spirit Sponsorship: $1,000

    Sponsorship funds school supplies, media opportunities, marketing materials and giveaways to help promote awareness around Operation Backpack®.

    • Recognition as Media Sponsor
    • Sponsor logo placement on campaign materials, website and digital promotions

    Dress for Success Sponsorship: $1,000

    Sponsorship funds school supplies, media opportunities, marketing materials and giveaways to help promote awareness around Operation Backpack®

      • Recognition as Media Sponsor
      • Sponsor logo placement on campaign materials, website and digital promotions

    How to Become A Sponsor

    1. Read our Sponsorship Packet by clicking the button below.

      sponsorhip packet

    2. Complete our online Sponsorship Sign-Up Form by clicking the button below.

      Sponsorship sign-up

    3. After one of our staff members has connected with you, you can complete your payment online by clicking the button below. 

      online payment

    To pay by check, please mail checks to the following address:

    Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas
    c/o Operation Backpack
    4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 300
    Lanham, MD 20706

    To learn more about Operation Backpack®,
    click the button below to return to our main campaign page.

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